Hiking & Trekking map of Stara Planina / Balkan Mountains - Bulgaria 1: 50 000
Hiking map - Map of trails
Scale: 1: 50 000
Year 2006
Size: A5, Book with 61 pages!
Languages: English, Bulgarian
Map contains:
1. Hiking Map of Balkan Mountains / Stara Planina. 2. Table with GPS data. 3. Hut index with phone numbers.
4. Hiking trails suggestions.
The following bigger Cities are displayed on the map: (Important for your trip!)
1. Sopot, Karlovo, Kalofer
2. Troyan, Pirdop, Klisura, Gabarevo u.a.
About the Stara Planina / Balkan Mountains:
Balkan mountain range (Bulgarian and Serbian: Ñòàðà ïëàíèíà, Stara
planina, "Old Mountain") is a mountain in the eastern part of the
Balkan Peninsula. The Balkan range runs 560 km from the Vrashka Chuka
Peak on the border between Bulgaria and eastern Serbia eastward through
central Bulgaria to Cape Emine on the Black Sea. The highest peaks of
the Stara planina are in central Bulgaria. The highest peak is Botev (2,376 m),
located in the Central Balkan National Park (established 1991). The
mountain gives the name of the Balkan Peninsula. Stara Planina played
an enormous role in the History of Bulgaria and the development of the
Bulgarian nation and people.
Stara Planina Hiking map Balkan Mountains Trekking map Bulgaria Pirin Rila Rodopi Rhodops Book Guide Trekking guhide Hiking guide