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02 Hiking & Trekking map of Pelister National Park Macedonia 1: 50.000
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02 Hiking & Trekking map of Pelister National Park Macedonia 1: 50.000

Hiking & Trekking map of Pelister National Park Macedonia 1: 50.000

Hiking, biking and trekking map
Scale:  1:50.000
Eddition: 2014
Size: 23 x 12 cm

Languages:  English, Macedonian

Map contains:

1. Hiking Map of Pelister Mountain and Pelister National Park with the Albanian border area.
2. Hiking trails, Bicycle trails
3. Map of Bitola city, some interesting information about important touristic goals in Macedonian and English.

About the  Pelister National Park and Pelister Mountain (Mountain Baba):

Mountain Baba and its highest peak Relister are located in the southern Macedonia. It is a mountain range highly raised between the Pelagonija Valley to the east and Lake Prespa to the west.  The National Park Pellister ( declared in 1948) is located in southern Macedonia and takes up an area of 12.500 hectares.  Particulary important is the presence of the five-needle pine tree Pinus peuce ( molika), which can be found growing only on a few mountains in the Balkan Peninsula.  The two glacial lakes-the Big an the Small Lake, also known as " Pelister's  Eyes", are special hydrographic features. The Big Lake lies at an altitude of 2.218 metres above sea level. It is one of the highest glacial lakes in Macedonia.

More info: HERE.

Summit: Pelister - 2601 m.


Pelister National Park is a national park in the Municipality of Bitola, Republic of Macedonia. The park is located in the Baba Mountain massif and covers an area of 171.5 square kilometres (66.2 sq mi). The altitude of the park varies between 927 and 2,601 m (3,041 and 8,533 ft) above sea level and is filled with exquisite flora and fauna. Among flora elements, the presence is especially significant of the five-needle pine molica, Pinus peuce - a unique species of Cenozoic age being present on only a few mountains in the Balkan Peninsula. The beauty of the landscape is enhanced by the diversified wildlife: bears, roe deer, wolves, chamois, deer, wild boars, rabbits, several species of eagles, partridges, redbilled jackdaws, and the endemic Macedonian Pelagonia trout.

Info and features

Pelister is the oldest and second largest national park in Republic of Macedonia after Mavrovo. It is one of the leading tourist areas in the country, since it is a well-known ski resort, along with Ohrid, Prespa, Dojran, Popova Šapka, and Kruševo. From Pelister one can see the Pelagonia valley, Lake Prespa, mountains Nidћe, Galičica, Jakupica, and the city of Bitola. Interestingly, Pelister is one of the most southern mountains in the Balkans that has an alpine character. Pelister is also known for its two mountain lakes, which are called Pelister's Eyes. The Big lake is 2,218 metres (7,277 ft) above the sea level while the Small lake is 2,180 metres (7,150 ft) high. Here are the sources of many rivers. The climate in Pelister National Park is diverse.

Galicica National Park represents a "hotspot" of biological diversity in Europe and beyond. Its rich biological diversity is of national, European and global value.The number of species of global, European and national importance is indeed considerable. In the Park there are 4 species of invertebrates and 13 of vertebrate animals, which are considered to be globally threatened. The international significance of the biological diversity in this park has been confirmed by numerous nominations, such as : " Emerald site", "Important Plant Area", "Primary Butterfly Area", "UNESCO World Heritage site", etc. 

Other natural values of this Park are Stara Galicica, with its two remarkable cirques, and the Golem Grad Island and its charecteridtic geomorphology.

The Park also includes a vast cultural heritage, including several cultural monuments such as the Saint Naum Monastery and the churches Assumption of the Virgin Mary, Sain Stephen-Pancir, The Church of the Holy Mother of God at Zaum, that is the cave church Saint Virgin Mary at Pestani, as well as the cultural heritage on the Island of Golem Grad.  

The Saint Naum Spring and its immediate surroundings stands out with its unique blend of natural and cultural values, due to which it id considered one of the most appealing tourist destination in Macedonia and the region.

- See more at:

Galicica National Park represents a "hotspot" of biological diversity in Europe and beyond. Its rich biological diversity is of national, European and global value.The number of species of global, European and national importance is indeed considerable. In the Park there are 4 species of invertebrates and 13 of vertebrate animals, which are considered to be globally threatened. The international significance of the biological diversity in this park has been confirmed by numerous nominations, such as : " Emerald site", "Important Plant Area", "Primary Butterfly Area", "UNESCO World Heritage site", etc. 

Other natural values of this Park are Stara Galicica, with its two remarkable cirques, and the Golem Grad Island and its charecteridtic geomorphology.

The Park also includes a vast cultural heritage, including several cultural monuments such as the Saint Naum Monastery and the churches Assumption of the Virgin Mary, Sain Stephen-Pancir, The Church of the Holy Mother of God at Zaum, that is the cave church Saint Virgin Mary at Pestani, as well as the cultural heritage on the Island of Golem Grad.  

The Saint Naum Spring and its immediate surroundings stands out with its unique blend of natural and cultural values, due to which it id considered one of the most appealing tourist destination in Macedonia and the region.

- See more at:

Pirin Mountains Hiking Trekking map

02 Hiking & Trekking map of Pelister National Park Macedonia 1: 50.000
02 Hiking & Trekking map of Pelister National Park Macedonia 1: 50.000
02 Hiking & Trekking map of Pelister National Park Macedonia 1: 50.000
Артикулът е добавен в нашия магазин на Wednesday 04 February, 2015.
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