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01 Hiking Trekking map Galicica National Park - Macedonia - 1:45.000
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01 Hiking Trekking map Galicica National Park - Macedonia - 1:45.000
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Hiking & Trekking map of Galicica National Park Macedonia 1: 45.000

Hiking, biking and trekking map
Scale:  1:45.000
Eddition: 2014
Size: 23 x 12 cm

Languages:  English, Mazedonian.

Map contains:

1. Hiking Map of Galicica Mountain and Galicica National Park with the Albanian border area.
2. Hiking trails, Bicycle trails
3. Overview map of Macedonia.
4. Map of Ohrid, some interesting information about important touristic goals in Macedonian and English.

About the  Galicica National Park:

Galicica National Park represents a "hotspot" of biological diversity in Europe and beyond. Its rich biological diversity is of national, European and global value.The number of species of global, European and national importance is indeed considerable. In the Park there are 4 species of invertebrates and 13 of vertebrate animals, which are considered to be globally threatened. The international significance of the biological diversity in this park has been confirmed by numerous nominations, such as : " Emerald site", "Important Plant Area", "Primary Butterfly Area", "UNESCO World Heritage site", etc.   Other natural values of this Park are Stara Galicica, with its two remarkable cirques, and the Golem Grad Island and its charecteridtic geomorphology.  The Park also includes a vast cultural heritage, including several cultural monuments such as the Saint Naum Monastery and the churches Assumption of the Virgin Mary, Sain Stephen-Pancir, The Church of the Holy Mother of God at Zaum, that is the cave church Saint Virgin Mary at Pestani, as well as the cultural heritage on the Island of Golem Grad.    The Saint Naum Spring and its immediate surroundings stands out with its unique blend of natural and cultural values, due to which it id considered one of the most appealing tourist destination in Macedonia and the region. -

Summit: Magaro - 2254 m.

Galičica (Macedonian:  Галичица) is a mountain situated across the border between the Republic of Macedonia and Albania. There is a National park on the Macedonian side of the mountain, situated between the two biggest lakes in the republic: Lake Ohrid and Lake Prespa. It stretches over an area of 227 square kilometres (88 mi²).

The floral life in the Galičica National Park represents over 1000 species, of which a large number of relicts and endems have the final frontier of its range exactly on the mountain Galičica. There is characteristically presence of up to now 11 discovered local endems to be found exclusively on the slopes of Galičica and nowhere else, this illustrates the specifically floristic composition of this mountain. At the moment, it is intensively worked on the flora of the National Park and there are indications that the number of endems will be even bigger.

Beautiful views across the lakes and neighbouring mountains can be seen from the Galičica peaks. The highest is peak Magaro (2,254 m).

Galicica National Park represents a "hotspot" of biological diversity in Europe and beyond. Its rich biological diversity is of national, European and global value.The number of species of global, European and national importance is indeed considerable. In the Park there are 4 species of invertebrates and 13 of vertebrate animals, which are considered to be globally threatened. The international significance of the biological diversity in this park has been confirmed by numerous nominations, such as : " Emerald site", "Important Plant Area", "Primary Butterfly Area", "UNESCO World Heritage site", etc. 

Other natural values of this Park are Stara Galicica, with its two remarkable cirques, and the Golem Grad Island and its charecteridtic geomorphology.

The Park also includes a vast cultural heritage, including several cultural monuments such as the Saint Naum Monastery and the churches Assumption of the Virgin Mary, Sain Stephen-Pancir, The Church of the Holy Mother of God at Zaum, that is the cave church Saint Virgin Mary at Pestani, as well as the cultural heritage on the Island of Golem Grad.  

The Saint Naum Spring and its immediate surroundings stands out with its unique blend of natural and cultural values, due to which it id considered one of the most appealing tourist destination in Macedonia and the region.

- See more at:

Galicica National Park represents a "hotspot" of biological diversity in Europe and beyond. Its rich biological diversity is of national, European and global value.The number of species of global, European and national importance is indeed considerable. In the Park there are 4 species of invertebrates and 13 of vertebrate animals, which are considered to be globally threatened. The international significance of the biological diversity in this park has been confirmed by numerous nominations, such as : " Emerald site", "Important Plant Area", "Primary Butterfly Area", "UNESCO World Heritage site", etc. 

Other natural values of this Park are Stara Galicica, with its two remarkable cirques, and the Golem Grad Island and its charecteridtic geomorphology.

The Park also includes a vast cultural heritage, including several cultural monuments such as the Saint Naum Monastery and the churches Assumption of the Virgin Mary, Sain Stephen-Pancir, The Church of the Holy Mother of God at Zaum, that is the cave church Saint Virgin Mary at Pestani, as well as the cultural heritage on the Island of Golem Grad.  

The Saint Naum Spring and its immediate surroundings stands out with its unique blend of natural and cultural values, due to which it id considered one of the most appealing tourist destination in Macedonia and the region.

- See more at:
Source: Wikipedia

Pirin Mountains Hiking Trekking map

01 Hiking Trekking map Galicica National Park - Macedonia - 1:45.000
Nagyobb kép
01 Hiking Trekking map Galicica National Park - Macedonia - 1:45.000
Nagyobb kép
Termék beszállítási dátuma 2015 February 04, Wednesday.
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