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01 Wanderkarte Gipfel des Balkan: Albanien - Kosovo - Montenegro 1:60 000
[inkl. 7% MwSt zzgl. Versandkosten]
01 Wanderkarte Gipfel des Balkan: Albanien - Kosovo - Montenegro 1:60 000
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Wanderkarte Gipfel des Balkan: Albanien - Kosovo - Montenegro 1:60 000

Peaks of the Balkans: Cross border Hiking map for Albania - Kosovo - Montenegro 1:60 000

Maßstab: 1: 60 000
The scale is optimally adjusted to match the mapped area.

1.Auflage, 01.03.2013

ISBN-10: 3943752168

ISBN-13: 978-3943752168

Größe: 27 x 13 cm
Sprache:  English

Die Karte enthält:

1. Hiking & Biking map of the cross border area Albania - Kosovo - Montenegro: 10 Hiking Trails with description in English, GPS compartible

Grenzgebiete die auf der Wanderkarte abgebildet sind:

1. Albania 2. Kosovo 3. Montenegro


1. Theth, Albania – Valbonё, Albania

2. Valbonё, Albania – Çerem, Albania

3. Çerem, Albania – Dobërdol, Albania

4. Dobërdol, Albania – Milishevc, Kosovo

5. Milishevc, Kosovo – Reka e Allagёs, Kosovo

6. Reka e Allagёs, Kosovo – Pepaj, Kosovo – Drelaj, Kosovo – Dugaivё, Kosovo – Kuçishtё (Guri i Kuq), Kosovo

7. Leqinat i Kuçishtёs (Guri i Kuq), Kosovo – Babino Polje, Montenegro

8. Babino Polje, Montenegro – Hrid lake – Plav, Montenegro

9. Plav, Montenegro –Bor Peak – Vusanje, Montenegro

10. Vusanje (Vuthaj), Montenegro – Theth, Albania





The quite ambitious “Peaks of the Balkans” trail comprises 192 km and completes a circuit crossing the three countries. It leads through high alpine landscape up to 2300 metres above sea level in the border region in Dobërdol (Albania) and Milishevc (Kosovo).

The hike can be started in each country: Theth (Albania); Plav (Montenegro); or, in the small town of Pejë (Kosovo). The 10 stages of the trail can be hiked in 10 to 13 days, depending on the motivation and condition of the hiker. The level of difficulty ranges from easy to moderate, but requires good physical condition and mountain equipment (e.g. hiking boots, waterproof clothing, lamps, GPS, first aid kit, mobile phone). Even though the whole trail is marked and signposted, it partly leads through uninhabited mountain regions. Hence, it is recommended to hike in a group or accompanied by a hiking guide.

Fast facts about the trail

Elevation min: 670 meters (near Cerem, Albania) max: 2,290 meters (near the border, the trail: Dobёrdol, Albania – Milishevc, Kosovo)

Cumulative height uphill: approx. 9,800 meters downhill: 9,900 meters

The level of difficulty along the Peaks of the Balkans Trail ranges from easy to moderate.

Levels of difficulty (on a scale from easy to difficult)

Easy: gentle ascents only, comfortable paths and an easy orientation even without a map.

Moderate: follows a marked path, possibly with steep inclines and some risk of falling. Basic orientation skills and sure-footedness required.

Difficult: usually no recognizable path. Terrain requires a well-developed ability to assess terrain accurately and excellent orientation skills. Several highly exposed sections, difficult slopes. Experience and familiarity with alpine equipment required.

GPS data

The GPS (UTM) data provided in the different sections is three-fold:

waypoint number, UTM coordinates, and altitude. Within the text, the waypoint numbers (e.g. WP 1) refer to the items listed at the end of each description.



"Peaks of the Balkans":

01 Wanderkarte Gipfel des Balkan: Albanien - Kosovo - Montenegro 1:60 000
Für eine grössere Darstellung klicken Sie auf das Bild.
01 Wanderkarte Gipfel des Balkan: Albanien - Kosovo - Montenegro 1:60 000
Für eine grössere Darstellung klicken Sie auf das Bild.
01 Wanderkarte Gipfel des Balkan: Albanien - Kosovo - Montenegro 1:60 000
Für eine grössere Darstellung klicken Sie auf das Bild.
Dieses Produkt haben wir am Monday, 29. April 2013 in unseren Katalog aufgenommen.
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