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500 Traditions, feasts and customs in Bulgaria – Travel map 7.95EUR
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500 Traditions, feasts and customs in Bulgaria – Travel map

500 Traditions, feasts and customs in Bulgaria – Travel & Hiking map

Scale: 1: 600 000 
Year 2007
Size: 23 x 12 cm

Language: English

Map contains:

The last figure is an example of the Bulgarian edition! This is offered in English!

Contents of the card:

1. Travel Map 500 traditions, holidays and customs of Bulgaria.
2. A listing of 500 traditions, holidays and  customs of Bulgaria
3. Details of any tradition or holiday .
4. A more detailed presentation of 90 traditions and holidays with pictures and information (see sample picture).

Bulgaria know more? No problem. This is a very special card that allows you to Bulgaria for a very special way can learn. The card is like a road map which, when the peculiarities of the area (special holidays . Typical traditions as small pictures are displayed. So you can look, see what traditions, customs and holidays for each region are typical.


Bulgaria Traditions  Monasteries Churches travelling map travel map harta crkva cherkva Rila monastery map road map

500 Traditions, feasts and customs in Bulgaria – Travel map
500 Traditions, feasts and customs in Bulgaria – Travel map
500 Traditions, feasts and customs in Bulgaria – Travel map
500 Traditions, feasts and customs in Bulgaria – Travel map
Товар был добавлен в наш каталог Tuesday 17 February, 2009.
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